So you’ve found us here at the IIW (Intense International Wrestling). Congrats to you! Hopefully you’ve had a good look around and now decided you want to join up with the rest of the mad house.
Sign up to the IIW Boards
The IIW Roleplay Boards
Create a Character Profile
Create an Application
Congrats, you’ve now signed up for the IIW, one of the members of staff will message you with the Card Booking details.
But while you wait for your first match? There is plenty more to do
Introduce yourself on the Out of Character Boards
Introduce Yourself
Jump on the IIW Discord to chat with the rest of the members
Post an introduction to your character on our Chracter Development Boards!
Introduce your Character through our Dark Match facility IIW Combat, here you can take on many Enhancement talents, where you write up a match displaying how your character performs.
IIW Combat
IIW Combat Roster
Challenge for the Hardcore Title.
We run a 24/7 Rule on our Hardcore Title, so get involved and take on the current Champ, you can find this on the Hardcore Title page, give it a good realistic attack gives the best chance of winning the title!
Hardcore Title
So There we have it, there is lot’s going off at the IIW, but also take your time to browse the website, check out our Rich History, our title lineage, the Ranking system, there is so much to this fed for you to enjoy and really that is the key thing…. To Enjoy and Have Fun!
Welcome to the IIW