Match 1: International Title Battle Royal
Ryan McCann, Michael Hunter, John Blade, Jimmy Brooks, Spinella, Trent Darby, Jamie Starr

History will be made as the first-ever International Champion is crowned in a Battle Royal featuring some of IIW's most formidable competitors. Ryan McCann, Michael Hunter, John Blade, Jimmy Brooks, Borgata, Trent Darby, and Jamie Starr will battle it out for the prestigious title, setting the stage for an unforgettable championship reign.

Alice Goldier: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is an over the top rope battle royal for the IIW International Championship!

Mike Fisher: The re-inauguration of the IIW International Championship is just about to begin folks!

Scott James: Who will be the next person to join a list that includes J Mont, Russell Wayne, Jonny C and John Cavanagh just to name a few.

The Time is now hit's to play as he walks out on stage. He talks to the camera man and bounces a little. He holds up his “Steel Chain” necklace and shows it to the fans. He salutes and runs straight down towards the ring. He bounces off the ropes side to side and he holds up his “Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect” shirt. He takes off his hat and tosses his shirt to the fans and hands his Chain to the ref to begin to fight.. Feel free to include a championship entrance as well!

Alice Goldier: Introducing first hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, “The Surgeon of Thuganomics”...JOHN BLADE!!!

“Starman” by David Bowie hit and Jaime Starr walked to the ring.

Alice Goldier: Hailing from Nottingham, England…JAIME STARR!!!

The arena lights flicker in red, green and white as Italian flag graphics begin to be displayed on the stage's screens and the theme from The Godfather begins to play. Paulie "No Nose" Spinella pops out from the curtains moving his hands from beneath his chin telling the crowd exactly what he thinks of them, behind him comes the much more muscular Tony "the Bull" Saporito with his trademark fedora and further behind him, the old man that pulls the strings, Sally "Wallnuts" Chiarelli. La Borgata makes their way down to the ring and prepares for their match.

Alice Goldier: Hailing from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, New York, Tony “the Bull” Saporito and Paulie “No Nose” Spinella…LA BORGATA!!!

“The Man With All The Toys” by The Beach Boys starts to play as pictures of Hasbros, LJNs, Classic Superstars and many other lines of wrestling toys flash across the screen. “The Toy Boy” Jimmy Brooks comes out from the curtains with two of his favorite figures in hand speaking to the camera about how great they are the entire time

Alice Goldier: Hailing from Beverly Hills, California, “The Toyboy”...JIMMY BROOKS!!!

“Voices” by Motionless in White hit and Trent Darby walked to the ring.

Alice Goldier: Hailing from Baltimore, Maryland…TRENT DARBY!!!

The lights go dim around the whole arena as "Blow Me Away" hits on the sound system. As the first words hit in the song Hunter makes his way onto the stage. He walks to the end of the stage just before the ramp and crosses his arms. He closes his eyes and lifts his head up as if he is absorbing the atmosphere. Then he raise both hands in the air as pyros go off behind him. Afterwards he opens his eyes and makes his way down the ramp looking at the fans with disgust. He walks up the steps to the ring and wipes his feet on the canvas. Then he hops through the ropes and walks into the center of the ring and then across to the other side. he climbs the turnbuckle and raises his hands in the air with arrogance. He hops down as his music stops and waits for his opponent.

Alice Goldier: Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, “The Blueprint”...MICHAEL HUNTER!!!

"Just Like You" by Three Days Grace begins to play as the crowd boo when they see Ryan McCann make his way down to the ring. McCann enters the ring and, climbs to the top of a nearby corner and tosses his arms in the air and urges the crowd to get louder, as they do

Alice Goldier: Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island…RYAN MCCANN!!

The bell rang as the different competitors began to size one another up. Jimmy Brooks got into the center of the ring and began to do a prime 1980s Hulk Hogan flex routine. Jimmy turned around the face the next section of the crowd and was greeted by a spinning heel kick from Ryan McCann. Jimmy stumbled into Paulie Spinella who delivered a superkick. Jimmy turned backwards where he was met by Tony Saporito who came charging with a running big boot.

Mike Fisher: It seems like Jimmy Brooks is the focus of everyone’s hate at the moment.

Scott James: I think they’re just jealous that he’s the man with all the toys!

Brooks was barely standing when Michael Hunter hit him with a clothesline that turned him inside out. Jimmy began to crawl and got to a knee when he was hit by a running knee strike by Trent Darby.


Scott James: I think Jimmy Brooks’ head might be about ten rows deep after that one!

Darby popped up and instantly sprung into action with a flying forearm on Michael Hunter. Paulie Spinella grabbed the barely conscious Jimmy Brooks and tossed him over the top rope. Spinella instantly put his hands in the air in the most Italianist of hand gestures.

Alice Goldier: Ladies and gentlemen, Jimmy Brooks has been eliminated!

Mike Fisher: Well, it was quite the quick night for the Toyboy.

Scott James: Probably for the better, I’m not too sure he takes his career in the ring very seriously.

Jamie Starr grabbed John Blade and tossed him into a corner and began to lace him with a combination of kicks and knees. Darby continued to lay it on Hunter with a flurry of right hands and then began to chop at his chest. Spinella and Saporito began to double team Ryan McCann into another corner. Darby headed to the center of the ring and ran into his corner with a knee strike to Hunter’s head. Jamie Starr began to muscle John Blade up over the turnbuckle in an attempt to get him out. La Borgata was busy with Tony Saporito working over McCann’s midsection and Paulie Spinella barking insults.

Mike Fisher: I don’t think Paulie Spinella understands that he could be helping Tony eliminate Ryan rather than berate him.

Scott James: Hey, nobody ever said wiseguys were smart, ya know?

McCann poked Saporito in the eye and clotheslined Spinella to break out of the corner. Starr got reversed by Blade who began to throw right hands into Starr’s stomach in the corner. Darby connected with a superkick on Michael Hunter that made the big man wobble.

Mike Fisher: I think the Blueprint might be as close to knocked out on his feet as it gets.

Scott James: Ya know, sometimes the lights are on but ain’t nobody home!

McCann ducked as Saporito charged with a clothesline, Saporito wound up connected with his own partner, Spinella, turning him inside out. Blade was attempting to put Starr over the top rope when Michael Hunter fell into him after a dropkick from Darby. Blade turned to Hunter and hit him with a forearm smash. Hunter turned around into a hurricanran afrom Jamie Starr that brought him up and over the top rope.

Alice Goldier: Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Hunter has been eliminated!

Mike Fisher: The Blueprint becomes the second competitor to lose their chance at the International Championship!

Scott James: You can tell that each and every single one of these competitors want to take that prestigious championship home with them.

Saporito helped his smaller partner to his feet when Ryan McCann hit a jumping thrust kick to the side of Paulie Spinella’s head. Saporito went for a lariat but McCann ducked, Saporito charged, McCann ducked and hit Saporito with a back body drop that sent Saporito over the top rope and to the floor.

Alice Goldier: Ladies and gentlemen, Tony Saporito has been eliminated!

Mike Fisher: Well, that’s one half of La Borgata outta here!

Scott James: It’s ok, we all know that Paulie Spinella is the brains of the operation!

Spinella slowly got to his feet as McCann went off and hit Trent Darby from behind with an axe handle smash. Spinella went for a lariat on Blade but Blade ducked and lifted the Italian up on his shoulders as the crowd popped. Blade moved towards the ropes and dropped Spinella over the top with a Death Valley Driver that saw Spinella land on Saporito.

Alice Goldier: Ladies and gentlemen, Paulie Spinella has been eliminated!

Mike Fisher: And then there were four…

Scott James: John Blade, Ryan McCann, Jamie Starr or Trent Darby–one of these four men will be our next IIW International Champion!

McCann and Blade paired up as did Darby and Starr. Starr and Darby began to exchange right hands in the center of the ring while Blade began to overpower McCann in a test of strength. Blade worked McCann up to the corner and began to lay knee strikes into his midsection. Starr was able to block a right from Darby and hit him with a massive headbutt, followed by an inverted DDT. McCann was taken over by Blade with a snapmare and then had Blade kick him in the middle of the back.

Mike Fisher: One of these four men are so close to championship glory that they can taste it!

Scott James: My mouth is drooling at the site of that beautiful championship on the other side of the ring, I can see it twinkling!

McCann went to the front of Blade and hit him with a kick to the mouth. Starr pulled Darby up and began to attempt to eliminate him. McCann pulled Blade up and went for a vertical suplex but Blade blocked it with his leg and brought McCann over with a suplex of his own. Blade got to his feet and instantly began to help Starr attempt to dump Darby.

Mike Fisher: It may be every man for himself but we all know that momentary alliances are a strategy that can lead to victory.

Scott James: I can’t blame John Blade, I like my odds at one in three much better than one in four.

Blade and Starr struggled as Darby clenched the top rope with both his arms and legs wrapped around them. McCann, drowsy, got to his feet, he grabbed John Blade from behind and tossed him over the top and to the floor.

Alice Goldier: Ladies and gentlemen, John Blade has been eliminated!

Mike Fisher: The Surgeon of Thuganomics is out of this one at the hands of Ryan McCann.

Scott James: Sometimes Pure Wrestling is just the way to go!

McCann began trash talking Blade from the inside. Starr, sensing his opportunity to come one competitor closer to winning hit a superkick on McCann. McCann wobbled before being hit with a codebreaker from Starr. McCann wobbled and was clotheslined over the top by Starr.

Alice Goldier: Ladies and gentlemen, Ryan McCann has been eliminated!

Mike Fisher: Well, that’s called karma since you want to sit there and jaw jack with John Blade!

Scott James: I think these two are going to have some unfinished business moving forward.

Blade and McCann stared off on the outside before beginning to exchange fists on their way up the rampway to an exploding crowd. Trent Darby and Jamie Starr got to their feet in the center of the ring as the crowd popped.

Mike Fisher: And here we go, the final two.

Scott James: Either Trent Darby or Jamie Starr are leaving here as your brand new International Champion ladies and gents!

Starr with a right, Darby responded with the same, Starr, Darby, Starr, Darby, Starr, Darby, block, Darby, Darby, Darby. Darby backed Starr up into the corner with a flurry of rights and then tossed him with an Irish Whip. Darby charged behind Starr, but Starr grabbed the top ropes and reverse leapfrogged his way over Darby, Starr grabbed Darby from behind and pulled him down with a backstabber.

Mike Fisher: Trent Darby may want to slow the pace down a little bit, errors can be made when you’re moving a bit too fast.

Scott James: You’re right on that one. All I know is regardless of who wins this the championship is in good hands.

Darby popped up, holding the small of his back. Starr grabbed him from behind and tossed him over the top. Starr stretched his arms out in victory but was shocked to not hear the bell. Starr turned around to Darby on the apron.

Mike Fisher: Trent Darby is holding onto his championship aspirations for dear life at this point!

Scott James: Jamie Starr is looking like a man on a mission.

Starr went to hit a forearm smash on Darby but Darby ducked and connected with an elbow to Starr’s jaw. Darby pulled himself over the ropes and came crashing down on Starr with a crossbody. The two men got to their feet and charged one another, both connecting with a clothesline. The two warriors laid on the mat as the crowd built.

Mike Fisher: Neither man seems to have the other one’s number in this fight.

Scott James: These are two of the world’s premiere athletes, it ain’t gonna be that easy!

Starr performed a kip up, Darby the same. The two men stared each other down before hitting off of the ropes and leaping into the air, both connecting with a crossbody. The two men fell to the mat, holding their midsections, Trent and Jamie both pulled themselves back up and began to exchange forearm smashes in the center of the ring. Starr lost the battle as Darby blocked a forearm and connected with a heel kick. Starr moved backwards and was hit with a jumping thrust kick by Darby.

Mike Fisher: Trent Darby is bringing his A game right now.

Scott James: You better bring the best that you’ve got when you’re in an IIW ring!

Darby hit off of the ropes again and went for a clothesline but Starr ducked and connected with a rolling forearm. Starr tossed Darby into the ropes and caught him with a flying leg lariat. Starr popped back up, hit off of the ropes and leaped in the air for a double foot stomp but Darby rolled out of the way. Starr turned around into a rolling elbow from Darby.


Scott James: I think I just saw one of Jamie Starr’s teeth fly about thirty feet in the air!

Starr wobbled, Darby took a few steps back and hit another Back Into Protocol rolling elbow. Starr leaned up against the ropes and Darby hit him with a clothesline, sending Starr to the arena floor.


The first notes of Rock Bottom hit moments before the Inaugural IIW TV champion Benz bursts onto the stage. Barely acknowledging the fans who still remember him from a few years ago he marches to the ring.

Fisher: James Beneveti, known to our longer standing fans as Benz; is looking good, maybe not in ring shape but not bad.

James: Living in a dumpster eating scraps isn’t conducive to being in ring shape Mike. Why are we giving TV time to this has-been? What could he have to say that anyone wants to listen to in 2024?

The beautiful Alice Goldier hands her mic to the homeless hero.

Benz: Jack Mehoff…. Jack Mehoff… those words haunted me my whole damn life. My uncle Shaun, my hockey coach and sexually confused drug dealers all used to shout that at me over and over…..

James: Jeeezus, who gave this guy a mic, this isn’t therapy group.

Benz: Now it’s the IIW fans, everywhere I go they ask me about the IIW Brazzers champion.

James: I, for one and glad that got cleared up, I know we have devoted fans, but a hand job from a homeless guy if not on anyone’s wish list.

Benz: Jack N. Mehoff… this sophomoric throwback has desecrated a title I proudly held 3 times. I was the first TV champion in IIW…. This professional cocksmith has brought the diseased world he dwells in and smeared its herpes covered balls all over the business I love.

Benz (now shouting): Well, I won’t stand for it!!Jack, if you can stop spanking your mini monkey for a moment, wash your damn hands and get your well stretched ass out here so I can tell you to your face what I think of you!

"I Touch Myself" by the Divinyls starts to play and almost every fan in the arena starts to boo. The Brazzers Champion, Jack N. Mehoff comes through the curtain wearing an canary blue suit. He has a cocky grin on his face he stops briefly in front of a little kid. Mehoff screams at the small fan, causing him to cry. Still laughing at his own antics.

Fisher: Ahead of his title defence against enigmatic Gemini later tonight the champ is taking a chance. Benz has never been very stable and regardless of his look he is a dangerous individual.

Jack motions toward the back and for some reason, two guys come out carrying a orange couch they set in the ring. A pink neon sign saying "The Casting Couch" with a provocative female figure design lowers from the ceiling hanging just above the ring. Jack climbs into the ring and grabs the mic. Jack claps his hands and a soft yellow spotlight shines in the ring and the background lights go off.

Jack: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, all three of you in this crowd amongst all this white trash, to the new hotest interview segment in all of sports entertainment. Welcome to The Casting Couch, with my very first guest.... I'm sorry. Who the Hell are you again?

Benz: I'm the guy who legitimized that title your holding.

Jack: So, a crazy homeless guy? Boy, like I haven't seen that before. You aren't trying to steal a job from that homeless guy I use periodically in my promos, are you?

Jack holds the mic up for Benz, and before Benz can say anything, Jack pulls it away.

Jack: If you're the first TV champion, I'm glad I washed my hands of that legacy. But I do have to say, you really prove what I've been saying about this company. Osh, pay your employees a descent wage so they don't end up like this guy.

Ready to burst Benz beats his temples with his fists. Jack N. laughs, offers the microphone and pulls it back.

Jack: I'll tell you what, I feel a little bad for you. Just because you can't cut it as a wrestler anymore, doesn't mean there aren't other things you can do. Have you thought about being a motivational speaker? You already have the perfect catch phrase for it. In fact, I want to hear you say, and if you say it, I'll give you one hundred dollars right here.

Benz eyes seem to light up a bit. Jack digs into his pocket and pulls out a one hundred dollar bill.

Jack: I just want to hear you yell, "I'M LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER."

Benz nods his head. Jack hands him the mic and goes to give him the money but "accidentally" drops it. Benz bends over to pick it up, but Jack sneaks behind him and hits him with a Donkey Punch.

Benz: Ahhh MY ASS!!!

Jack grabs his head and hits him with the Load Blower. Jack stands over Benz, picks up the hundred dollar bill from the ground and stuffs it in his mouth.

Mike Fisher: I don't know what's more disgraceful. What Jack just did to our first ever TV Champion, or the fact that Benz was our first ever TV Champion.

Match 2: Grudge Match - TJ Alexander vs. Jack Tyde

The simmering tensions between TJ Alexander and Jack Tyde reach boiling point as they face off in a highly anticipated Grudge Match. With mind games and mindsets colliding, these two competitors will stop at nothing to settle their score once and for all.

The bell rang as TJ and Jack came to the center of the ring and began to argue back and forth until TJ gave a loud open hand slap to Jack’s face.

Mike Fisher: “I don’t think Jack Tyde liked that.”

Scott James: “That would be a safe assumption.”

Jack turned back to TJ who was laughing and tackled him with a Lou Thesz Press and began to lace TJ’s face with punches as the crowd began to build. The referee counted to four and Tyde got to his feet. Jack hit off of the ropes and connected with a discuss elbow when TJ got to his feet. TJ fell to the mat and rolled out of the ring holding his jaw.

Scott James: “TJ Alexander is smart to get the hell out of dodge!”

The Nightmare hit off of the far ropes and took flight crashing down on TJ with a suicide dive. The two men were on the floor until a count of three when the man from Nowhere pulled himself up. Jack pulled TJ by the hair and tossed him into the steel steps. Tyde grabbed Alexander and tossed him under the ropes into the ring. Jack slid in and covered but TJ kicked out at two.

Mike Fisher: “Almost had him there, shouldn’t be much longer if Tyde keeps on him!”

Scott James: “TJ Alexander is too talented of an athlete to be defeated this early on.”

Tyde continues the assault by slamming an axe handle smash to TJ’s lower back. Jack pulls TJ to his feet but TJ counters with a jawbreaker. Jack stumbles back, TJ gets to his feet and a quasi-stunned Jack charges with a lariat that TJ is able to duck under. Jack turns around and is greeted with a bicycle kick from TJ that stuns him further.

Mike Fisher: “TJ Alexander fighting back, Jack Tyde trying to find his footing.”

Scott James: “TJ is now in firm control, exactly where he was meant to be from the start.”

TJ continues his attack as he connects with a super kick that puts Jack to the mat. TJ falls on top for the cover but Tyde is able to get his shoulder up at the count of two. TJ argues with the referee regarding a supposed slow count before turning around and delivering a knee strike to the side of the head.

Mike Fisher: “That may be lights out.”

Scott James: “Jack looks like he doesn’t know what city he’s in!”

TJ climbs to the top rope and drops a flying elbow. TJ goes for another cover but Jack is again able to kick out at two. TJ gets to his feet, visibly frustrated, and delivered a kick to Tyde and then drove two successive knees to Jack’s face. TJ hooks both of Jack’s arms and connects with his Futureshock DDT.

Mike Fisher: “That might be the final blow.”

TJ goes for the cover but Tyde again kicks out at two. TJ begins to scream at the official. Tyde climbs back to his feet and charges with a clothesline but TJ ducks again and Tyde takes the referees head off. Tyde turns around and falls into a spinning wheel kick from TJ. Tyde stumbled and TJ kicked him in the gut, lifting him up for a package piledriver.

Mike Fisher: “If TJ hits this its gotta be over!”

Before TJ could slam Jack into the mat Jack was able to poke TJ in the eye. TJ moved away holding his eye, Hawking lifted him in the air and brought him crashing down with a Samoan Drop. Jack climbed back to his feet and measured TJ up. Alexander stumbled to his feet and turned around to a kick to the gut.

Jack lifted TJ into the air and brought him crashing down with a One Winged Angel. Jack covered but there was no referee to be seen. The crowded counted, as did Jack.

Mike Fisher: “Come on ref, that’s a count of five if not six”

Scott James: “I mean, I hate to say it, but, Jack’s got this won in the bag right now.”

The Nautistical Nightmare got out of the pinning predicament just to grab the referee and pull him towards his fallen opponent. Jack shakes the referee to wake him up and then covers TJ once again the referee’s hands begin to move slowly for the ………one ………..two ……….KICKOUT!!!

Mike Fisher: “You have got to be kidding me!”

Scott James: “HAHA! I told you! TJ Alexander is a phenomenal athlete!’

Jack got to his feet in disbelief. Grabbing at his hair as the referee climbed up. Jack began to erupt in the half conscious officials face.

Mike Fisher: “You’ve got to feel for the guy—it seemed he had the match won.”

Scott James: “I mean, he did knock the poor ref out cold!”

Jack Tyde Irish whips TJ Alexander into the ropes who springboards off the second ropes with a dropkick but the Nautical Nightmare drops down to the mat at the last second causing the referee to get caught in the crossfire, sending him tumbling out of the ring.

The arena suddenly plunges into darkness, eliciting gasps from the audience. A few seconds pass and as the lights flicker back on, the imposing figure of Leichenberg stands at ringside, a menacing presence that sends shockwaves through the arena.

Scott James: “It's Leichenberg!”

Mike Fisher: “I highly doubt the former Television Champion is here to scout the competition, either.’

Leichenberg slides into the ring behind Jack Tyde with a malevolent grin. Feeling the ominous presence behind him, Tyde slowly turns for a face to face stare down and is immediately doubled over with a knee lift to the midsection followed up by a standing suplex into a sit-down pile driver!

Scott James: “Schadenfreude!”

Mike Fisher: “Liechenberg promised to give a receipt to Jack Tyde after the last Mayhem show and he just delivered it.”

TJ Alexander looks on in shock as Leichenberg rolls under the ropes out of the ring and manhandles the referee back into the squared circle just as the Aerial Assassin ascends to the top turnbuckle and leaps forward with a Phoenix Splash on Jack Tyde. The referee slowly slides into position to count the pinfall.


Scott James: “You know this isn't how TJ Alexander wants to win this grudge match.”


Mike Fisher: “A win’s a win, best take advantage of the opportunity while it's there.”


The referee sluggishly signals for the bell as he clutches at his chest in pain.

ding! Ding!! DING!!!

Alicia Goldier: “Here is your winn–’

Leichenberg pushes past the ring announcer and snatches the bell hammer away from the timekeeper then slides back into the ring.

Scott James: “This has gone too far! Where the hell is the security team to stop this?”

Mike Fisher: “They might have second thoughts after the beating Leichenberg gave them after the last Mayhem show went off the air.”

Scott James: “Things could get real ugly in a hurry now because the Aerial Assassin is holding his ground and isn't going anywhere.”

[TJ Alexander boldly stands in front of Jack Tyde. Leichenberg steps closer and towers over TJ Alexander.]

Leichenberg: “Move aside NOW before I remove you!”

[TJ Alexander definitely shakes his head and draws an imaginary line on the canvas with his wrestling boot and dares Leichenberg to cross it.}

Scott James: “Look at the guts on this Krazy Kidd!”

Mike Fisher: “Big balls but small brains, if you ask me..’

[Leichenberg can't help but smirk at the moxy of TJ Alexander and slowly backs away then turns to leave through the ropes but as TJ checks on Jack Tyde, Leichenberg re-enters the ring and clobbers the Aerial Assassin between the shoulder blades with the ring hammer!]

Scott James: Good gawd! What the hell?!"

Mike Fisher: "It's TJ's own fault, he was given fair warning and wanted to play tough guy instead. He got what he had coming, Scotty.."

[Alexander winces and writhes in pain as Leichenberg stands over both fallen men. He slowly raises the metal bell hammer high overhead to a loud chorus of boos before arrogantly exiting the ring and heading back up the ramp as the camera's

Crush is backstage with his wife, Jessica, taping his wrists when his door flies open. Crush turns to see what is going on and it is none other than Osh Vaughan standing across from him. Crush lowers his head and laughs a little bit as Osh just stands there with a clipboard in his hand.

Crush: Boy you must have gotten lost in the wrong locker room.

Osh: No, Crush. Despite our somewhat, “complicated” history, This is actually the locker room I intended to come in to.

Crush: If you wanna call smashing my ribs with a baseball bat and forcing me to bleed infront of my wife complicated, be my guest. What the fuck do you want?

Osh: Well, Ya see Crush. As much as I would love to see you go out there and kill yourself tonight, I have a business to run. Lawyers to answer to. And I saw your beatdown in ECE. Pretty gruesome stuff. Well your medical records came back from that physical you took earlier to prepare for your match tonight and the doctors unfortunately cannot clear you for competition. So, unfortumately I’m gonna need that Global Championship.

Crush: Over my dead fucking body. I came here tonight to compete. So, unless you are going to physically remove me from this damn building, and I really hope you choose that option, I’m going out there to defend MY Championship.

Osh: Look, Crush. I don’t give a rats ass if you never wrestle again to be honest. I didn’t even want you back here. But I can’t let somebody who is not cleared by our doctors to wrestle in a TRIPLE CAGE Match. I’m not a big fan of lawsuits.

Crush: Well you better figure something out because one way or another, I’m working that match.

Osh sighs before asking his lawyer for a pen and bringing the clipboard up.

Osh: I had a feeling your dumbass would say that so I had my lawyers draw up this document. You wanna wrestle? Fine, knock yourself out, literally. But you’re not going out there unless you sign this document stating you wont hold ME or IIW liable for further injury or paralysis as a result of you competing against doctor’s orders.

Osh holds the clipboard out for Crush, who smiles. He snatches the clipboard and looks over the document. Finally, he signs his name and hands the clipboard back to Osh.

Crush: There’s your little document. I’m gonna walk out there and defend my Championship tonight. You might wanna get Maverick and Jesse to sign one too because I have a feeling neither will be able to compete after tonight.

Osh: We will see about that. Good luck tonight. Judging from that tape around your ribs, you’re gonna need it.

Osh and his lawyer turn to leave as Crush begins stretching and trying to stretch his muscles out for his huge match tonight.

Match 3: Grudge Match - Andre Cash vs. Hellbreaker

Months of animosity and hostility come to a head as Andre Cash and Hellbreaker finally collide in a brutal Grudge Match. With both men seeking retribution and redemption, expect nothing less than an all-out war as they unleash their pent-up aggression inside the squared circle.

As soon as the bell rings Andre Cash attempts a lockup but Hellbreaker slips though the big man's grasp and gets behind him. Hellbreaker delivers several quick forearm blows to the back of Andre Cash 's head and shoves him off balance. Andre stumbles toward the corner. He grabs the ropes for balance before spinning around amazingly fast and launching a Lariat at Hellbreaker who slips behind him again.

Hellbreaker hops to the middle rope, twists and leaps at Andre Cash to deliver an uppercut but is slapped out of the air by Andre who has managed to regain his wits. The crowd lets out a symphonic "ohhh" as the sound of the slap echoes across the arena. Hellbreaker tries to get back to his feet so Andre Cash decides to help. By lifting him up by his hair. Hellbreaker, still groggy from the slap, is helpless as Andre Cash wraps his arms around him and flings him up and over for a belly-to-belly suplex. Hellbreaker is flung halfway across the ring but uses the momentum of the flip to roll to his feet, holding his back in pain. Andre Cash hurries and catches Hellbreaker in the back of the head with a big boot and goes for a pin.

One count! Hellbreaker is in no position to be taken out just yet!

Having shaken the stars out of his eyes, Hellbreaker is to his feet first. As Andre Cash gets to his knees Hellbreaker hits him with a brutal dropkick to the face. Andre drops to his stomach but starts to get back up again as Hellbreaker hits him with another heavy dropkick, but within moments Andre Cash is trying to get back to his feet, albeit a little slower than before.

Hellbreaker backs up, running to the ropes for momentum. On his return Andre Cash launches at him for a lariat again but Hellbreaker must have it spotted because he ducks the move and hits the ropes again, this time coming back and smashing Andre's head into the mat with a bulldog. Hellbreaker covers.

One count!

Hellbreaker again gets to his feet first and begins laying kicks into Andre Cash to keep him down. As Andre Cash gets his balance he grabs Hellbreaker's leg and twists in a sort of dragon screw. It brings Hellbreaker to the mat. Andre smirks as he watches Hellbreaker holding his knee on the ground and returns Hellbreaker's stomps with several of his own - all targeted at his new favorite target.

Andre laughs as Hellbreaker begins crawling toward the center of the ring. Each step he tries to stand up but is met with another kick to his twisted knee and he stumbles. Satisfied with Hellbreaker's inability to fight back, Andre lifts the other man onto his shoulders into a fireman's carry. He flings his body back to attempt a samoan drop but Hellbreaker adds just enough spin of his own to turn the move into a crucifix and goes for a pin!

One count!

Andre Cash is able to slip out of the hastily performed maneuver!!

Hellbreaker, using the ropes to support his knee watches as Andre begins to do t he same in the corner. He slaps his leg a couple times and runs at Andre Cash, leaping off of his back to the rope while sending his opponent back into the ground. Andre Cash rolls away from the ropes and rests on his back, not realizing the predicament he has put himself into. Hellbreaker springs off the top and delivers an absolutely brutal leg drop to Andre Cash and goes for another pin.



Th-NO!!! Andre has no intention of going down just yet!!

Hellbreaker rolls away from Andre under the ropes and gets to his feet outside of the ring. Andre rolls to his stomach, up to his arms and knees and looks Hellbreaker in the eye. Both men glare with hatred at one another for a moment while the crowd takes the opportunity to scream their heads off. Hellbreaker slides back into the ring and is on his feet at the same time as Andre and the two men begin trading flurries of blows at one another. Still groggy from all the attacks on his head, Andre Cash is sent reeling, giving Hellbreaker an open shot at his abdomen.

He takes it, kicking him in the stomach. Andre doubles over and Hellbreaker grabs for a DDT but Andre begins punching him in his bad knee causing Hellbreaker to buckle. Andre Cash grabs Hellbreaker around the waist and with Hellbreaker's arm still around his head lifts him up and over for a beautifully nasty northern lights suplex! Andre Cash covers!



Th-NO!!! Somehow Hellbreaker kicks out and is still in it!

Andre Cash stands and begins lifting Hellbreaker to his feet with a hand wrapped around his throat. He smacks Hellbreaker in the face to spin him around and goes to grab for a german suplex but Hellbreaker is able to block by holding his balance before Andre could lift. Hellbreaker elbows Andre behind him, loosening his grip so that Hellbreaker can turn to face him. Andre Cash tries to kick Hellbreaker in the stomach but Hellbreaker manages to grab his leg and trips Andre to his back.

Wasting no time Hellbreaker crosses Andre Cash's legs. With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound Andre kicks Hellbreaker away and sends him stumbling backwards towards the ropes. As Hellbreaker comes running back at him, Andre Cash is on his feet and rams his knee into Hellbreaker's gut. Hellbreaker - spit flying - doubles over and Andre sets him and powers him up before delivering a perfectly timed Liger Bomb! Andre holds the move as Hellbreaker just lies there, unmoving. The ref begins the count.



Thr-Hellbreaker grabs the ropes!!!

Andre Cash is in absolute disbelief!!

Andre is visibly pissed as he gets a grip of Hellbreaker's hair and forces Hellbreaker to his feet, slapping him with his free hand as he does so. With little concern for Hellbreaker's ability to retaliate he tuck's the other man's head under his arm and hooks his good leg, putting all of his weight on the bad one. In one motion he lifts Hellbreaker up but instead of just hitting the brainbuster he sets Deb on the top rope, climbing to the middle rope himself. Andre Cash takes a breath before hoisting Hellbreaker one last time and bringing his head dead into the mat with his Cash Money!

Andre Cash drags Hellbreaker to the center of the ring, by his bad leg just to be a dick, and covers.




Match 4: Brazzers Title Match
Jack M. Hoff vs Gemini

In a controversial turn of events, Jack M. Hoff has renamed the TV Title to the self-proclaimed Brazzers Title. However, his actions have not gone unnoticed by IIW management, who have decided to make him defend the title against the enigmatic newcomer Gemini. Will Jack M. Hoff be able to retain his title, or will Gemini emerge victorious in his IIW PPV debut?

The bell rang as Jack and Gemini began to square each other up. The two men came together locking up collar and elbow, Jack forces Gemini to the corner and drops down to begin delivering shoulders to the gut followed up by a few kicks before Gemini is able to get his arm up and take control of Jack’s leg taking him over with a dragon screw leg whip. Gemini follows that up with a hip toss and then a belly to belly suplex. The crowd pops as Jack MeHoff slides out of the ring.

Scott James: Yeah, its early yet, just remember that.

MeHoff walked back up the steps and told the referee to force Gemini back, which he did. MeHoff sprinted into the ring and attacked Gemini, who had turned his back, with a double axe handle to the back of the neck. MeHoff grabbed him by the side and locked in an abdominal stretch and begin to deliver some blows to Gemini’s side. Jack dug his knuckles into Gemini’s ribs, the referee checked but Gemini wasn’t ready to give in. Jack’s frustration grew and he broke the hold.

Mike Fisher: It’s going to take more than an abdominal stretch to win this match.

Scott James: I’m sure that was much more about inflicting pain on Gemini’s core than anything else.

Jack walked towards Gemini but Gemini pulled him down onto the mat and flipped over into an ankle lock. Jack’s face popped with pain as the crowd cheered on Gemini’s about face. Gemini let out a savage scream as Jack reached for the ropes. Inch by miserable inch but eventually he was able to reach the bottom rope with his hand. The referee told Gemini to let go of the hold but he just twisted harder on the ankle.

Mike Fisher: Gemini has no binding rules that would force him to break this hold.

Scott James: As much as I hate to admit it, you’re right!

Gemini continues with the hold for another few moments before letting go. Gemini hops back to his feet and begins to lay the boots to Jack. Gemini pulls him up by the hand and delivers a forearm to the face before tossing Jack into the ropes. Gemini catches Jack on the rebound and brings him crashing down with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Gemini grabs hold of Jack and begins to drive his two knees into the small of his back while pulling Jack’s arms backwards. The referee drops to check in on MeHoff once more, MeHoff continues to wave him off.

Mike Fisher: The body of Jack MeHoff has got to be throbbing in pain, such a brutal hold from Gemini.

Scott James: I’m just glad I’m not the one sitting in, whatever the hell you call that move.

Gemini let go of an arm and tried to fishhook Jack but Jack did what was easiest to do, he bit. Gemini broke the hold while holding his fingers. Jack got up, hobbling and holding his lower back. An enraged Gemini came at Jack with a clothesline but came up empty. Jack grabbed Gemini from behind and began a flurry of chops to Gemini’s chest that placed Gemini into the corner. Jack began to kick away at Gemini’s midsection before sprinting to the opposite side and running back catching his opponent with a running back-first splash. Jack lets Gemini pop out of the corner and brings him down with a bulldog.

Mike Fisher: This has been back and forth, it seems whoever gets the upper hand at the right moment will win it.

Scott James: Jack better capitalize right now if he wants that to be him.

Jack floated over and locked in a camel clutch. The referee checked in on Gemini who didn’t give in. Jack let go slightly to land a strike to the front of Gemini’s face. After a few moments of Gemini not giving in Jack let go and leaped in the air dropping his bodyweight across Gemini’s lower back. Jack pulled Gemini up and tossed him through the middle rope and down to the floor. Jack followed Gemini out and began to drive forearms into the small of Gemini’s back. Gemini got back to his feet only to be Irish whipped into the stairs with his back striking first. Jack pulled Gemini up and then drove the small of his back into the turnbuckle twice before sliding him back into the ring.

He sets Gemini up and LOAD BLOWER!

Scott James: He’s got this!




Alice Goldier: The winner and STILL Brazzer’s champion Jack N. MeMeHoff!

John Blade storms into Osh Vaughan’s office, his face a mask of anger and frustration.

John Blade: (voice raised) "Osh! We need to talk. Right now!"

Osh Vaughan looks up from his desk, his expression calm but curious. He leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.

Osh Vaughan: "John, what’s the problem? You look like you're ready to tear someone apart."

John Blade: (fuming) "You know damn well what the problem is! Ryan McCann blindsided me and tossed me out of the Battle Royal before I even had a chance to compete! This is supposed to be my time, Osh! My opportunity to claim the International Title in this new era of IIW, and it was stolen from me!"

Osh nods thoughtfully, clearly considering Blade’s words. Just as he’s about to respond, a shadow falls over the doorway. Latoya Hixx steps into the room, her eyes locked onto John Blade with a fierce intensity.

Latoya Hixx: (smirking) "Is this the same John Blade who’s always running his mouth about being the best? Looks like you couldn’t even handle Ryan McCann."

John Blade turns to face Latoya, his expression a mix of surprise and anger.

John Blade: "Latoya, this isn’t your business. Stay out of it."

Latoya Hixx: (stepping closer) "Oh, but it is my business. You see, I’m tired of hearing you whine and complain every time things don’t go your way. Maybe it's time someone shut you up for good."

Before Blade can react, Latoya delivers a swift, hard punch to his jaw, sending him stumbling back into Osh’s desk. The impact rattles the items on the desk, and Osh stands up, taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

John Blade: (recovering, glaring at Latoya) "You’re making a big mistake, Latoya."

Latoya doesn’t respond with words. Instead, she follows up with a series of rapid strikes, each one landing with precision and force. Blade tries to defend himself, but Latoya’s speed and ferocity are overwhelming. She grabs Blade by the arm and slams him into the wall, the thud echoing through the office.

Osh steps forward, ready to intervene, but Latoya shoots him a warning look.

Latoya Hixx: (coldly) "Stay out of this, Osh. This is between me and Blade."

Osh hesitates, his hands raised in a placating gesture, but he doesn’t interfere. Latoya lifts Blade off the floor and throws him across the room, sending him crashing into a stack of equipment. The noise draws the attention of nearby crew members, who gather at the doorway, watching in stunned silence.

Latoya Hixx: (standing over Blade, her voice low and menacing) "Next time, think twice before you open your mouth, Blade. This is just a taste of what happens when you mess with me."

With that, Latoya turns and strides out of the office, leaving a battered and humiliated John Blade in her wake. Osh Vaughan shakes his head, a mixture of disbelief and grudging respect on his face.

Osh Vaughan: (to himself) "Well, that escalated quickly."

He looks down at John Blade, who is slowly trying to get to his feet.

Osh Vaughan: "Looks like you’ve got some regrouping to do, John. Better get yourself together if you want any shot at redemption."

John Blade, clutching his ribs and wincing in pain, struggles to stand up. His face is a mix of fury and determination.

John Blade: (gritting his teeth) "This isn’t over, Osh. Not by a long shot."

The camera follows Blade as he makes his way down the corridor.